Hubungan Gejala Gangguan Stres Pascatrauma dengan Kualitas Hidup Anggota Relawan Bencana Banjir di Putussibau Kalimantan Barat
Gangguan Stres Pascatrauma, Kualitas hidup, Relawan banjirAbstract
Background: PTSD occurs when a person undergoes life-threatening events like war, terrorism, accidents, abuse, or natural disasters. It can greatly impact an individual's well-being, causing harm to their physical, mental, social, and environmental health. Purpose: The aim of this research is to uncover the connection between PTSD symptoms and the quality of life. Methods: This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive characteristics and a cross-sectional design. The number of participants was 135 people who volunteered to be involved in flood disaster management operations. The research location was in Putussibau. Results: According to the possibility of PTSD, about 32.6% of respondents were suspected of experiencing PTSD symptoms. In terms of physical health, 34.1% of respondents had a moderate level, in terms of psychological well-being, 34.8% of respondents had a moderate level, in terms of social relationships, 27.4% of respondents had a poor level, and in terms of relationships with the environment, 33.3% of respondents had a good level. The results of the bivariate test showed that the p value had a value greater than 0.05. Conclusion: Due to the frequent flooding in Putussibau, volunteers may experience adjustments. In addition, engagement in regular exercise may be a factor that supports a good quality of life for respondents. These factors may explain why no correlation was found between the two variables.
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