Hubungan Kebiasaan Konsumsi Makanan Kariogenik dengan Kejadian Karies Gigi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Kelas V di SDN 1 Bukit Tunggal Palangka Raya


  • Ferry Ronaldo STIKES Eka Harap Palangka Raya
  • Henry Wiyono STIKES Eka Harap, Palangka Raya
  • Uci Pitria Anggraini STIKES Eka Harap, Palangka Raya



Kebiasaan konsumsi makanan kariogenik, Karies gigi


Background:  Tooth  decay  can  affect  the  health  of  other  parts  of the  body,  thereby hampering daily activities. One of the factors that can damage teeth is the habit of consuming food and drinks, some of which are healthy, some of which damage teeth, causing dental caries. The current phenomenon is that children entering school age are generally at high risk of experiencing dental caries, because at that age they are used to consuming various types of food and drinks that cause dental caries (such as candy, chocolate, pastries, etc.). Purpose: this research is to determine the correlation between cariogenic food consumption habits and dental caries in grade V elementary school children at SDN 1 Bukit Tunggal Palangka Raya. Methods: The sampling technique used total sampling to obtain 62 respondents, data collection used a questionnaire on habits of consuming cariogenic foods and a dental caries examination observation sheet which had gone through validity and reliability tests, for data analysis using the chi-square statistical test. Results: Based on the analysis, the results of statistical tests using the chi-square method show a sig (2-tailed) number with a p- value of 0.00 with a degree of significance of p < 0.05, so the decision is that H1 is accepted, meaning there is a Habit Correlation Consumption of Cariogenic Foods with Dental Caries. Conclusion: There is a correlation between cariogenic food consumption habits and dental caries. It is recommended that parents pay more attention to maintaining their children's dental health and know the types of food or snacks that can cause caries. Furthermore, it is recommended that schools carry out promotive and preventive efforts regarding dental and oral health carried out by teachers, especially UKS and UKGS supervisors.



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