Determinan BBLR dari Riwayat Maternal sebagai Bahan Pengembangan Fuzzy Logic Method Teknologi Informatika
BBLR, Determinan maternal, teknologi informasiAbstract
Background: Infants born with Low Birth Weight (LBW) are a significant factor contributing to stunting in children under five. Therefore, a system is needed for early detection of LBW. To develop an accurate system, accurate variables are necessary. Descriptive research on the determinants of LBW based on maternal history is crucial. Objective: To identify the determinants of LBW from maternal history as a basis for developing Fuzzy Logic Method technology. Method: This quantitative study employs a descriptive analytic approach. Results: SPSS data analysis indicates a relationship between LBW and gestational age (p-value: 0.001), parity (p-value: 0.008), Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) (p-value: 0.758), hemoglobin levels (p-value: 0.021), and pregnancy risk (p-value: 0.001). Conclusion: The independent variables significantly associated with LBW are gestational age, parity, anemia status from hemoglobin data, and pregnancy risk status. Conversely, MUAC is not significantly associated with LBW.
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