Interaksi Sosial dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Kedurang
Interaksi sosial, Kualitas hidup, LansiaAbstract
Social interaction an important role in the lives of the elderly because in the elderly there are various declines in body abilities and five senses which can influence and limit the activities and movements of the elderly. Lack of social interaction in the elderly can be a factor in reducing the quality of life of the elderly. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between social interaction and quality of life in the elderly. Method: Quantitative research method uses a correlational design. The research population was the total number of elderly people in the Kedurang District Health Center Working Area in Durian Sebatang Village, 75 people. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data were collected using quality of life and social interaction questionnaires. Analysis uses the Chi–Square Test (c2). Result: The research results showed that (1) of the 43 respondents, the majority (51.2%) had poor interaction and (48.8%) respondents had good interaction. (2) Of the 43 respondents, (51.2) had good quality of life and (48.8%) had poor quality of life. The results of the chi-square test (Continuity Correction) obtained a value of c2=5.254 with asymp.sig(p) = 0.022 < 0.05. This result shows that there is a significant relationship between social interaction and quality of life. Conclusion: it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between social interaction and quality of life in the elderly
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