Gambaran Kepatuhan Diet Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Rumah sakit Harapan Pematangsiantar 2023
Diabetes Mellitus, Ketidakpatuhan, KepatuhanAbstract
Background: The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus is based on all provinces in Indonesia, especially in the province of North Sumatra 1.39%. The prevalence of DM in Pematangsiantar is 1.68%. Prevalence by Gender, males are 1.34% while females are mostly 1.45%. The habit of eating sugary foods excessively and not adhering to the dietary recommendations of diabetes mellitus is not good for health. Dietary adherence is one of the keys to success in managing DM. Objective: To find out the overview of dietary adherence of patients with diabetes mellitus at Harapan Pematangsiantar Hospital. Method: Descriptive research design using a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with a total of 95 respondents. The research instrument used a Diabetes Mellitus diet adherence questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the majority of respondents obeyed as many as 61 respondents (64%) and the non-compliant minority 34 respondents (36%). Conclusion: Family support greatly impacts the patient's health, with support from the family the patient understands and is more obedient in undergoing the diabetes mellitus diet, family support needs to be increased so that the patient can feel better and can also follow the diet obediently, service facilities, consultation on lifestyle DM patients need to be improved.
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