Physical Factors, Chemical Factors, Biological FactorsAbstract
Background: Based on the results of observations made in September 2022-December 2022 in the medical record storage room of the Tk. IV Dr. R. Ismoyo Kendari, there were 427 inpatient medical records and 254 (59%) inpatient medical records that suffered damage caused by physical, chemical and biological factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes and types of damage to the medical records of inpatients due to physical, chemical and biological factors in the medical record storage room of the Tk Army Hospital. IVDr. R. Ismoyo Kendari.Methods: This study used a qualitative analytic descriptive design, especially the cross sectional type. The sample in this study consisted of 4 medical record officers, namely 1 Head of Medical Records, 1 Secretary of Medical Records, 1 registration officer and 1 filling officer in the medical record storage room of the Tk Army Hospital. IV Dr.R.Ismoyo Kendari and 254 medical records of inpatients in September 2022 - December 2022 who were damaged. The research instrument used observation, checklists, and interview guidelines.
Results: The results of this study indicate that physical factors, chemical factors, and biological factors cause damage caused by negligence of officers, exposure to sunlight, dust, ink, rust, mold, and insects.
Conclusion:The conclusion of this study found forms of damage such as torn, detached/missing medical record forms, and yellow to brown in color as a result of physical factors, chemical factors, and biological factors.
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