Writing Instructions

Instructions for Writers

Bali Health Published Journal

General requirements

Authors must attach an ethical clearance statement which can be downloaded on the website of the Bali Health Published Journal. This guide is not a writing template, and the author can use the template provided on the website of the Bali Health Published Journal.

Manuscripts that have passed the selection until the end and deserve to be published will be asked for their contribution.

Articles accepted are articles that have never been published and/or are being considered for publication in other journals. Every article that has passed the selection until the end and deserves to be published in the Bali Health Published Journal will be charged an article processing fee. If you only submit but do not pass the OJS stage, the author does not need to pay.

At the initial stage, an article format check will be carried out by the Managing Editor and a similarity test of the article using ithenticate. Furthermore, each article will be submitted to Bestari Partners (peer-reviewers) for review. The review by Bestari Partners is carried out anonymously (blind-review), where both parties do not know each other. The results of the assessment from Mitra Bestari will be the basis for an article to be accepted or not accepted in the journal. If needed, the author can always consult with the Editorial Board regarding the process of loading and publishing articles in the journal.

Article manuscripts must meet the instructions for writing a Bali Health Published Journal, in MS Word format according to the template available on the website. The script file uses the MS Word format until the 2007 edition with the doc format and not docx. Manuscripts must be submitted online through the Open Journal System on the E-Journal portal for the Research Bali Health Published Journal (https://ejurnalstikeskesdamudayana.ac.id/index.php/bhpj). Manuscripts of articles written must consist of important parts of a scientific article in the following order:

(i)      Article Title,

(ii)      Author Name (without title),

(iii)     Author Affiliate Address,

(iv)     Abstract in Indonesian and English and Keyword,

(v)      Introduction,

(vi)     Method,

(vii)    Results and Discussion,

(viii)  Conclusion,

(ix)     Politeness, and

(x)      Bibliography.

The article manuscript can be written in Indonesian and English with a total of 10 pages including pictures and tables. To maintain the quality of the appearance of articles in the journal, the author must pay close attention to all the writing provisions below.

The Corresponding Author must be marked with an asterisk “*”, and include the email address (see example). All article revisions and final decisions will only be communicated to the Corresponding Author via email. If there is more than one author, all authors' names must be listed, separated by a comma (,), and a "1" or "2" and so on to distinguish their affiliations. The first word of the author (first name) should not be abbreviated. If the author's name consists of only one word, write the actual name in one word, however in the online version of the metadata it must be written in two words containing the same name (repeated).

Layouts. The body of the article should be arranged in one column. This document is prepared in a format that every author should use in their articles. To maintain the quality of the journal's appearance, each article submitted must comply with the following specifications:

  1. A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
  2. On page 1, the top margin (the distance between the top of the paper and the top of the first line of the title) is 4.0 cm. While on page 2 and so on, the top margin is 3.0 cm.
  3. The left, bottom and right margins for all article pages are 2.5 cm.
  4. The distance for the Header from the edge of the paper is 1.5 cm, while for the Footer it is 2 cm.
  5. The number of pages for each article is 10 PAGES
  6. This writing guide file already uses the recommended standard writing rules and formats, so it can be directly used as a template.


Provisions for letters and paragraphs.

a. The font type used is Tahoma for all styles.

b. The font size that must be used in the article is 14 points bold (for the title), 12 points (for the author's name, affiliation, and email address), 10 points italic (for the abstract and keywords), 11 points (for the body of the article and section titles). and subsections), and 10 points (for headers and footers).

c. It should be noted that the paragraph writing procedure applied is a straight way, so that the beginning of the paragraph is not placed indented.

d. Leave 1 space (12 points) between paragraphs. Also pay attention to the provisions of good paragraph writing, including the number of sentences in each paragraph, the presence of a main sentence, one paragraph containing only one main idea, and other standard provisions.

e. Mathematical formulas must be 11 point Equation (Insert Equation tab menu), with slightly smaller subscripts and superscripts (9 points).

f. The title of the article is centered at the top of the first page. The author's name (without a title) is placed under the title, followed by the affiliation and email address of the first author, all centered.
Title Writing.

Article Title. The title of the article must be written briefly and clearly, and correctly indicates the problem to be raised. Article titles must be written in capital letters at the beginning of each word, except for conjunctions. Headings of more than two lines are arranged in an inverted pyramid. On the first page of this writing guide there is an example of the desired writing.

Section Titles: Section headings must be written entirely in capital letters in bold type without underscores, and placed in the middle (centered), and numbered with Arabic numerals (regular).

Subsection Title. The title of the subsection must be written in bold type, lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, and placed without an indent (not indented). Subsections are numbered starting with the section number.
Pictures and Tables

The title of the figure/table is written in 10 point font, bold, lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, and everything is placed in the middle. Figures are numbered sequentially, as are Tables. The title of the image is placed below the image, while the title of the table is placed above the table. The title of the figure/table with more than one line is written like an inverted pyramid.


Only images that have direct relevance to the presentation may be included in the article. The image is placed in the middle, where it is most relevant to the sentence that refers to it in the article. Each image (photo, graphic, and diagram) in the article must be accompanied by a description/image title and sequential image number, written below the image in the middle position with a font size of 10 pt bold. For example: “Figure 1. ASFR Trends in Africa”. Images must be directly relevant to the article, and always referenced in the article (referred to as “Image 1”). The author is fully responsible for the quality of the images listed. Journals can accept color images, but will not make any corrections to their quality. All images should be compressed so that they have a maximum resolution of 220 dpi. Editors can adjust image size and resolution if needed.

Figure 1. African ASFR Trends (Source: Poston & Bouvier, 2010)


Only tables that have direct relevance to the presentation may be included in the article. The table is placed in the middle, where it is most relevant to the sentence that refers to it in the article. Each table must have a title and a sequential table number, written above each table in the middle position with a font similar to the picture, such as “Table 1. Comparison of Population Per District in 2010”. The table is referred to in the article as “Table 1”. The font size for the contents of the table is adjusted to the needs, taking into account legibility. If it's really needed, the typeface can also be adapted to a more streamlined font such as Arial Narrow. Only horizontal lines appear in the table (an example can be seen in the Template).

Writing Headers and Footers. Formats for all headers and footers in the template can be used immediately. Especially for the header of the first page and the footer of all pages, replace [Journal Name] with the name of the online journal you want to go to.

First page header: The header on the first page consists of the journal title, the journal copyright sign, and the Journal number which will be updated by the Editor. The header is written in Tahoma letters measuring 10 points.

Even-numbered headers: Even-numbered headers consist of the last names of the article's authors, in Tahoma font size 10 points written in the center (centered). If the article is written by more than 3 people, then only write the last name of the first author, affixed with the word dkk. afterward.

Odd page number headers: Odd page number headers consist of article titles in lower case with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, 10 point Tahoma letters, centered.

Footer: All pages in the article have the same footer shape. The footer consists of the words “[Journal Name]” followed by a dash and a page number starting with the number 1 on the first page in 10-point Tahoma letters. Page numbers will be updated by the Editor at the time of loading.

Writing sources and a list of references is a must so that authors can avoid plagiarism. All references referred to in the text of the article must be listed in the Bibliography section. The total number of references is at least 15 with the year of publication in the last 10 years. The bibliography must contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals and a minimum of 80% of the total bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years, and avoid citations from popular media and non-scientific sites (personal blocks, wikipedia, etc.).

The self citation must be less than 30% of the total number of referrals. Reference lists are written using a reference management application such as Endnote (if any) or the references tab in Ms Word. The author must independently check the resulting bibliography because there are often format errors in reference management applications.

The reference writing format used by the Environmental Engineering Journal follows the procedures (style) issued by APA 6th. The Reference List is also written following the APA procedure, which is sorted alphabetically based on the last name of the author/source.

Every time taking data or citing statements from other libraries, the author must write down the source of the library/reference. References or citations are written in the description/text by means of the author's name and year (Hartati and Sururi, 2019). If there are more than two authors, only the name of the first author is written, followed by “et al.” or “et al.” (Dirgawati et al., 2018; Salih, 2020). Everything that is referenced in the text must be listed in the Bibliography section, and vice versa, everything that is written in the Bibliography must be referenced in the text (Holomoan et al., 2018). The writing of the library is as follows:

Libraries in the form of scientific magazines/journals:


Writer. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name. Volume. page.. Doi:xxx.xxx. Writer. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name. Volumes, Pages.

Dirgawati, M., Barnes, R., Wheeler, A. J., Arnold, A. L., McCaul, K. A., Stuart, A. L., … & Heyworth, J. S. (2015). Development of land use regression models for predicting exposure to NO2 and NOx in Metropolitan Perth, Western Australia. Environmental Modeling & Software, 74, 258-267.

Borer, M. I. (2010). from collective memory to collective imagination: time, place, and urban redevelopment. Symbolic Interaction, 33(1), 96-144.
Libraries in the form of book titles:
Writer. (Year). Book Title (edition). Place of Publication: Publisher
Metcalf, L., Eddy, H. P., & Tchobanoglous, G. (1991). Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal, and reuse (Vol. 4). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Libraries in the form of Seminar Proceedings:


Writer. (Year, Month). Article Title. Name of Conference/Seminar


Krasner, S. W., Westerhoff, P., Chen, B., Amy, G., & Nam, S. N. (2005, December). Contribution of wastewater to dbp formation: Case study of an effluent-impacted river. In 2005 Water Quality Technology Conference, WQTC 2005.

Libraries in the form of a dissertation/thesis/thesis:


Writer. (Year). Title of thesis/dissertation (notes). Available from the database name. (record number).


Schindler, M. (2016). Spatial modeling of feedback effects between urban structure and traffic-induced air pollution-Insights from quantitative geography and urban economics (Doctoral dissertation, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg).