Efektifitas Myofascial Release Massage Terhadap Nyeri Afterpains Ibu Nifas
massage, afterpains, postpartum mothersAbstract
Background: Typically lasting six to eight weeks, the postpartum period is a time of recovery following childbirth. Afterpains are a type of discomfort that can be caused by uterine contractions during the involution process. Massage or other non-pharmacological treatment can be used to ease discomfort. Using specific techniques, massage can lessen or even eliminate pain. Methods: The cross-sectional design of the quantitative research design was used in this study. The objective was to compare how massage reduced postpartum pain in Cilacap City mothers before and after intervention. 30 postpartum mothers who were experiencing postpartum pain two hours later comprised the population. Saturation sampling was used for the sampling, and there were a total of 30 participants. The frequency distribution was used in univariate data analysis, while the paired-sample t-test was used in bivariate data analysis. For the pain scale, the paired-sample t-test analysis produced a t-value of 8.238. Results: As a result, the calculated t-value exceeded the critical t-value for a pain scale of 8.238 > 2.045, indicating acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho), indicating that massage is effective in reducing postpartum pain in women. Conclusion: massage has been shown to reduce postpartum pain in mothers.
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