Pengaruh Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Kemampuan Mengontrol Marah pada Pasien Resiko Prilaku Kekerasan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali


  • Agus Ari Pratama Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Buleleng, Buleleng
  • Ketut Eka Larasati Wardana Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Buleleng, Buleleng
  • Putu Sonia Arsami Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Buleleng, Buleleng
  • I Gede Agus Sastra Wijaya Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Buleleng, Buleleng



Resiko Prilaku Kekerasan, Kemampuan Mengontrol Marah, Relaksasi Otot Progresif


Background: Mental disorders are a syndrome of behavioral patterns or disorders that occur in the brain which are characterized by disturbed behavior, thought processes, emotions and perceptions. Violent behavior is an angry reaction that is expressed by making threats, injuring other people, or destroying the environment. One of the nursing actions that patients can take to control anger is progressive muscle relaxation. To determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the ability to control anger in patients at risk of violent behavior at the Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali. Methods: Pre-Experimental research design One Group Pre-Test & Post-Test with Paired T-Test conducted at the Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali. Data collection used a questionnaire sheet with a Purposive Sampling technique with a sample size of 37 people. Results: The results of this research showed that the average value before the intervention was given was that the value of the ability to control anger was a Pre Test p-value of 48.6% and a Post Test p-value of 54.1% so that the p-value obtained was > 0.05 with a p-value of 0.000, this value is less than < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a significant influence on the provision of progressive muscle relaxation movement interventions on the ability to control anger in patients at risk of violent behavior at the Bali Provincial Mental Hospital.


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How to Cite

Ari Pratama, A., Wardana, K. E. L. ., Arsami, P. S., & Wijaya, I. G. A. S. (2024). Pengaruh Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Kemampuan Mengontrol Marah pada Pasien Resiko Prilaku Kekerasan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali. Bali Health Published Journal, 6(2), 108–118.