Gambaran Tingkat Kecanduan Remaja Menggunakan Smartphone di SMK N I Denpasar


  • Ni Kadek Riyanti Wulandari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan IX/Udayana, Denpasar
  • Ni Luh Made Asri Dewi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan IX/Udayana, Denpasar



kecanduan, smartphone, remaja


Background: The use of smartphones among teenagers is increasing greatly among teenagers, especially in high school students, who are not only studying but also entering the world of industry. The definition of cell phone addiction or in other terms is smartphone addiction is one of the common forms of technology addiction. Smartphones are devices that can help someone establish broad social relationships via the internet and web technology. The aim of this research is to determine the level of addiction among teenagers using smartphones. Methods: This research uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample in this research was 374 teenage students at SMK N 1 Denpasar. The measuring tool in this research uses a questionnaire in the form of a goggle form which is then processed using computer-based analysis software, namely SPSS, with a descriptive method. Results: In the research results, the number obtained from filling out the questionnaire was 374 respondents, with the age category found that most were in the 17-25 year old age category (late teens), namely 58% and in the gender category, the majority were male, namely 74.5%. Meanwhile, in the major category, the majority of categories were multimedia majors, 33.1%. Conclusion:  Based on research, most respondents have a level of addiction to using smartphones.


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How to Cite

Wulandari, N. K. R. ., & Dewi, N. L. M. A. (2024). Gambaran Tingkat Kecanduan Remaja Menggunakan Smartphone di SMK N I Denpasar. Bali Health Published Journal, 6(2), 137–144.