Telefarmasi di Wilayah Terpencil: Studi Perspektif dan Perilaku Tenaga Kefarmasian di Sumba Timur
Telepharmacy, Pharmaceutical Personnel, Rural RegionAbstract
Background: Telepharmacy is the application of telecommunications technology in the provision of pharmaceutical services over long distances. In remote areas such as East Sumba which have limited access to conventional health services, telepharmacy has the potential to be a solution to increase community access to drug information and pharmaceutical counseling. This research aims to determine the perspective and behavior of pharmaceutical personnel regarding Telepharmacy in East Sumba, especially in terms of providing drug information. Methods: This research is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 27 pharmaceutical workers who practice in East Sumba were selected purposively. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire via Google Forms. Results: The results show that the majority of respondents were female (59.3%), under 30 years old (88.9%), and had a pharmacy diploma (33.3%). Pharmaceutical personnel generally have a positive perspective regarding Telepharmacy (82.4%), drug information services (82.7%), pharmaceutical counseling (76.3%), drug therapy monitoring (93.8%), and legal restrictions (89.9%). Consclusion: Research shows that the majority of pharmaceutical workers in East Sumba have a positive view of Telepharmacy.
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